Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CPDOKAN_FILE_INFODokan file information on the current operation
 CPDOKAN_FIND_DATADokan find file list
 CPDOKAN_FIND_STREAM_DATADokan find stream list
 CPDOKAN_INSTANCEDokan mount instance informations
 CPDOKAN_IO_BATCHDokan IO batch buffer
 CPDOKAN_OPEN_INFODokan open file informations
 CPDOKAN_OPERATIONSDokan API callbacks interface
 CPDOKAN_OPTIONSDokan mount options used to describe Dokan device behavior
 CPFILE_ACCESS_INFORMATIONUsed to query for or set the access rights of a file
 CPFILE_ALIGNMENT_INFORMATIONUsed as an argument to the ZwQueryInformationFile routine
 CPFILE_ALL_INFORMATIONStructure is a container for several FILE_XXX_INFORMATION structures
 CPFILE_ALLOCATION_INFORMATIONUsed to set the allocation size for a file
 CPFILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFORMATIONUsed as an argument to ZwQueryInformationFile
 CPFILE_BASIC_INFORMATIONUsed as an argument to routines that query or set file information
 CPFILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATIONUsed to query detailed information for the files in a directory
 CPFILE_DIRECTORY_INFORMATIONUsed to query detailed information for the files in a directory
 CPFILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATIONUsed as an argument to the ZwSetInformationFile routine
 CPFILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION_EXUsed as an argument to the ZwSetInformationFile routine
 CPFILE_EA_INFORMATIONUsed to query for the size of the extended attributes (EA) for a file
 CPFILE_END_OF_FILE_INFORMATIONUsed as an argument to the ZwSetInformationFile routine
 CPFILE_FS_ATTRIBUTE_INFORMATIONUsed to query attribute information for a file system
 CPFILE_FS_FULL_SIZE_INFORMATIONUsed to query sector size information for a file system volume
 CPFILE_FS_LABEL_INFORMATIONUsed to set the label for a file system volume
 CPFILE_FS_SIZE_INFORMATIONUsed to query sector size information for a file system volume
 CPFILE_FS_VOLUME_INFORMATIONUsed to query information about a volume on which a file system is mounted
 CPFILE_FULL_DIR_INFORMATIONUsed to query detailed information for the files in a directory
 CPFILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATIONUsed to query detailed information for the files in a directory
 CPFILE_ID_EXTD_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATIONUsed to query detailed information for the files in a directory
 CPFILE_ID_FULL_DIR_INFORMATIONUsed to query detailed information for the files in a directory
 CPFILE_ID_INFORMATIONContains identification information for a file
 CPFILE_INTERNAL_INFORMATIONUsed to query for the file system's 8-byte file reference number for a file
 CPFILE_LINK_INFORMATIONUsed to create an NTFS hard link to an existing file
 CPFILE_MODE_INFORMATIONUsed to query or set the access mode of a file
 CPFILE_NAME_INFORMATIONUsed as argument to the ZwQueryInformationFile and ZwSetInformationFile routines
 CPFILE_NAMES_INFORMATIONUsed to query detailed information about the names of files in a directory
 CPFILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATIONUsed as an argument to ZwQueryInformationFile
 CPFILE_NETWORK_PHYSICAL_NAME_INFORMATIONContains the full UNC physical pathname for a file or directory on a remote file share
 CPFILE_POSITION_INFORMATIONUsed as an argument to routines that query or set file information
 CPFILE_STANDARD_INFORMATIONUsed as an argument to routines that query or set file information
 CPFILE_STREAM_INFORMATIONUsed to enumerate the streams for a file
 CPFILE_VALID_DATA_LENGTH_INFORMATIONUsed as an argument to ZwSetInformationFile
 CPREPARSE_DATA_BUFFERContains reparse point data for a Microsoft reparse point
 CPUNICODE_STRINGStructure is used to define Unicode strings