VOID | DokanInit () |
| Initialize all required Dokan internal resources. More...
VOID | DokanShutdown () |
| Release all allocated resources by DokanInit when they are no longer needed. More...
int | DokanMain (PDOKAN_OPTIONS DokanOptions, PDOKAN_OPERATIONS DokanOperations) |
| Mount a new Dokan Volume. More...
int | DokanCreateFileSystem (_In_ PDOKAN_OPTIONS DokanOptions, _In_ PDOKAN_OPERATIONS DokanOperations, _Out_ DOKAN_HANDLE *DokanInstance) |
| Mount a new Dokan Volume. More...
BOOL | DokanIsFileSystemRunning (_In_ DOKAN_HANDLE DokanInstance) |
| Check if the FileSystem is still running or not. More...
DWORD | DokanWaitForFileSystemClosed (_In_ DOKAN_HANDLE DokanInstance, _In_ DWORD dwMilliseconds) |
| Wait until the FileSystem is unmount. More...
BOOL | DokanRegisterWaitForFileSystemClosed (_In_ DOKAN_HANDLE DokanInstance, _Out_ PHANDLE WaitHandle, _In_ WAITORTIMERCALLBACKFUNC Callback, _In_ PVOID Context, ULONG dwMilliseconds) |
| Register callback for FileSystem unmount. More...
BOOL | DokanUnregisterWaitForFileSystemClosed (_In_ HANDLE WaitHandle, BOOL WaitForCallbacks) |
| Unregister callback for FileSystem unmount. More...
VOID | DokanCloseHandle (_In_ DOKAN_HANDLE DokanInstance) |
| Unmount the Dokan instance. More...
BOOL | DokanUnmount (WCHAR DriveLetter) |
| Unmount a Dokan device from a driver letter. More...
BOOL | DokanRemoveMountPoint (LPCWSTR MountPoint) |
| Unmount a Dokan device from a mount point. More...
BOOL | DokanIsNameInExpression (LPCWSTR Expression, LPCWSTR Name, BOOL IgnoreCase) |
| Checks whether Name matches Expression. More...
ULONG | DokanVersion () |
| Get the version of Dokan. The returned ULONG is the version number without the dots. More...
ULONG | DokanDriverVersion () |
| Get the version of the Dokan driver. The returned ULONG is the version number without the dots. More...
BOOL | DokanResetTimeout (ULONG Timeout, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) |
| Extends the timeout of the current IO operation in driver. More...
HANDLE | DokanOpenRequestorToken (PDOKAN_FILE_INFO DokanFileInfo) |
| Get the handle to Access Token. More...
PDOKAN_MOUNT_POINT_INFO | DokanGetMountPointList (BOOL uncOnly, PULONG nbRead) |
| Get active Dokan mount points. More...
VOID | DokanReleaseMountPointList (PDOKAN_MOUNT_POINT_INFO list) |
| Release Mount point list resources from DokanGetMountPointList. More...
VOID | DokanMapKernelToUserCreateFileFlags (ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, ULONG FileAttributes, ULONG CreateOptions, ULONG CreateDisposition, ACCESS_MASK *outDesiredAccess, DWORD *outFileAttributesAndFlags, DWORD *outCreationDisposition) |
| Convert DOKAN_OPERATIONS::ZwCreateFile parameters to CreateFile parameters. More...
BOOL | DokanNotifyCreate (_In_ DOKAN_HANDLE DokanInstance, _In_ LPCWSTR FilePath, _In_ BOOL IsDirectory) |
| Notify dokan that a file or a directory has been created. More...
BOOL | DokanNotifyDelete (_In_ DOKAN_HANDLE DokanInstance, _In_ LPCWSTR FilePath, _In_ BOOL IsDirectory) |
| Notify dokan that a file or a directory has been deleted. More...
BOOL | DokanNotifyUpdate (_In_ DOKAN_HANDLE DokanInstance, _In_ LPCWSTR FilePath) |
| Notify dokan that file or directory attributes have changed. More...
BOOL | DokanNotifyXAttrUpdate (_In_ DOKAN_HANDLE DokanInstance, _In_ LPCWSTR FilePath) |
| Notify dokan that file or directory extended attributes have changed. More...
BOOL | DokanNotifyRename (_In_ DOKAN_HANDLE DokanInstance, _In_ LPCWSTR OldPath, _In_ LPCWSTR NewPath, _In_ BOOL IsDirectory, _In_ BOOL IsInSameDirectory) |
| Notify dokan that a file or a directory has been renamed. This method supports in-place rename for file/directory within the same parent. More...
NTSTATUS | DokanNtStatusFromWin32 (DWORD Error) |
| Convert WIN32 error to NTSTATUS. More...