Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CConsoleLoggerLog to the console.
 CDebugViewLoggerWrite log using OutputDebugString
 CILoggerThe Logger interface.
 CLoggerHandle log messages with callbacks
 CLoggerExtensionsExtension functions to log messages.
 CNullLoggerIgnore all log messages.
 CTraceLoggerWrite all log messages to the Trace.
 CDOKAN_OPTIONSDokan mount options used to describe dokan device behaviour
 CDokanHelper methods to Dokan.
 CNotifyDokan User FS file-change notifications
 CDokanExceptionThe dokan exception.
 CDokanFileInfoDokan file information on the current operation.
 CDokanHelperDokan functions helpers for user IDokanOperations implementation.
 CDokanInstanceCreated by DokanInstance.DokanInstance. It holds all the resources required to be alive for the time of the mount.
 CDokanInstanceBuilderDokan FileSystem build helper. Allows to create one or multiple DokanInstance based on a given configuration.
 CDokanResultDefines common result status codes in NtStatus for Dokan operations.
 CExtensionsDokanInstance extensions allowing to check whether it is running or to wait until it is unmount.
 CFileInformationUsed to provide file information to Dokan during operations by
 CFormatProvidersProvide support to format object with null.
 CIDokanFileInfoDokan file information interface.
 CIDokanOperationsDokan API callbacks interface
 CIDokanOperationsUnsafeThis is a sub-interface of IDokanOperations that can optionally be implemented to get access to the raw, unmanaged buffers for ReadFile() and WriteFile() for performance optimization. Marshalling the unmanaged buffers to and from byte[] arrays for every call of these APIs incurs an extra copy that can be avoided by reading from or writing directly to the unmanaged buffers
 CMockDokanFileInfoMockable Dokan file information on the current operation.